Categories: NewsPublished On: 04.06.2024

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The charitable organization ADRA Ukraine participates in the National Competition “Charitable Ukraine” including in the nomination “People’s Benefactor 2023” The organizer of the competition is the Association of Philanthropists of Ukraine. This year, 25 nominees are competing for the People’s Benefactor award. Voting started on May 25 and will last until June 10 inclusive, any citizen can vote for the nominee he likes online.

The competition was founded in 2007. The Charity Ukraine format has been held since 2012 by Ukrainian Philanthropists Association. Its goal is “to develop effective socially-oriented philanthropy and volunteering in Ukraine by publicly stimulating the best philanthropists and volunteers, their organizations and practices.”

Information about the nominees and details of their activities are covered on the Facebook page:

One of the nominees – the charitable organization ADRA Ukraine – is part of the global network of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), which operates in more than 130 countries worldwide. In the conditions of war in Ukraine, ADRA Ukraine, with the support of foreign donors and partners, provides assistance to vulnerable categories of the population, including, first of all: internaly displaced persons and their families, children, orphans, hospital patients, persons with disabilities and people of retirement age. Directions in which assistance is provided to those in need: food, financial, psychological, legal assistance, water supply, evacuation to safer places, shelter, preparation for the winter period and others. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, more than 2 million unique beneficiaries have already received assistance from ADRA Ukraine.

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