Categories: NewsPublished On: 27.06.2024

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Congress for teachers of Adventist educational institutions of Ukraine “Education for Mission. To Save Children for Eternity” was held from June 17 to 20 at the Ukrainian Humanitarian Institute (Bucha, Kyiv region). The event was attended by an educational specialist of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency in Ukraine (ADRA Ukraine) Yana Reznikova. She highlighted those areas of educational activity that especially require public attention, and also spoke about educational projects that have already been implemented or are being implemented with the support of ADRA Ukraine and partners. In total, the congress gathered representatives of 24 educational institutions – schools, lyceums, and gymnasiums, as well as the institute, a total of 240 participants.

During the daily meetings, participants of the congress focused on the main challenges that Ukrainian education faces today. The presence of ADRA Ukraine at this congress was significant, because education is one of the main priorities in the activities of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency around the world. In many countries, this charity is actively working on the availability of quality education for everyone.

Based on the data from the Ukrainian educational cluster, ADRA Ukraine educational specialist Yana Reznikova highlighted the areas of educational activity that especially require public attention. This is the support of IDPs children and other vulnerable categories of the population. This is the psychosocial recovery of teachers who today work in extremely difficult conditions. Also the creation of educational products that will help restore and strengthen the children of Ukraine – the future of Ukraine.

During the congress, the specialist highlighted some educational projects that have already been implemented or are being implemented by ADRA Ukraine. The first project is “Restoration with Love” with the support of Aktion Deutschland Hilft, the Schulzentrum Marienhöhe school center, as well as ADRA Germany. For two years, this project has covered about a thousand beneficiaries, including children and their parents who have experienced internal displacement. Also among the beneficiaries there are students with special educational needs.

In addition, another project implemented with the support of ADRA Ukraine on the basis of 6 Lviv Ukrainian schools is a project supported by ADRA Australia called “Points of support for children affected by the war”. Within the framework of this project, psychological assistance is provided to children, parents, teachers in schools in the cities of Dnipro, Lviv, Poltava, Bucha, Bila Tserkva and Kherson.

During the congress, a meeting was held with representatives of schools in which the Australian project ADRA Ukraine is being implemented. At the meeting with the head of the education department of the Adventist Church in Ukraine, Konstantin Kampen, they discussed the development of joint strategies for supporting, helping children studying in war conditions, and strategies for future reconstruction, recovery of children after the war. Plans were also being made to improve the provision of psychosocial services to the most vulnerable categories of the population.

According to the organizers and participants of the congress, such educational events are an important platform for discussions, joint planning, development of a strategy to support the most vulnerable categories of children – the future that we as Ukrainians can influence today.

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