Categories: NewsPublished On: 25.06.2024

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The charitable organization ADRA Ukraine took 1st place in the National Contest “Charitable Ukraine” in the nomination “People’s Philanthropist 2023: Charity in the Defense of Ukraine”. The award ceremony was held on June 24 in Kyiv. This year, 25 nominees competed for the People’s Philanthropist award, and in total, the best in 26 nominations were awarded in the competition organized by the Association of Charities of Ukraine.

The award ceremony was held by Honored Artist of Ukraine and Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Contest Angelika Rudnitska and TV presenter, journalist and curator of the Ukrainian House dialogue platform Olexiy Ananov. Having received the award (angel statuette and winner’s diploma), the head of ADRA Ukraine Leonid Rutkovsky wished everyone to continue to do good deeds and do not give up.

“People’s Philanthropist 2023” was the only nomination with online voting and everyone could take part in it.

The Contest was founded in 2007. The “Charitable Ukraine” format has been held since 2012 by the Association of Charities of Ukraine. Its goal is “to develop effective socially-oriented philanthropy and volunteering in Ukraine by publicly stimulating the best philanthropists and volunteers, their organizations and practices”.

The winner of the Contest in the nomination “People’s Philanthropist 2023” – the charitable organization ADRA Ukraine – is part of the worldwide network of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA), which operates in more than 130 countries. In the context of the war in Ukraine, ADRA Ukraine, with the support of foreign donors, provides assistance to vulnerable categories of the population. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, about three million unique beneficiaries have already received assistance from ADRA Ukraine.

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