Categories: NewsPublished On: 17.05.2024

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On May 16th, an event aimed at supporting citizens seeking professional growth and development was been in the Kyiv City Employment Center. The Kyiv Employment Center and the charity organization ADRA Ukraine have signed a memorandum of cooperation that opens up new opportunities for Ukrainian people in need of retraining.

The main purpose of the agreement is interaction and coordination, which are aimed at creating guarantees of social protection and complex solution of tasks related to employment regulation and social protection of the population. With joint efforts, it is planned to direct people who turn to the charity organization ADRA Ukraine for help to training centers, providing them with the necessary skills and knowledge.

Special attention within a part of this cooperation will be given to internally displaced persons who are currently in the territory of the city of Kyiv and demobilized military persons. Thanks to this initiative, the unemployed and those who wish to change professions will have new chances to succeed and return to a peaceful life with a new work.

According to the parties that signed the document, “this initiative is extremely important, especially in the conditions of modern challenges in the labor market. This is a great example of how the combined efforts of state and charitable organizations can change the lives of many Ukrainians for the better side.”

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