Categories: NewsPublished On: 31.05.2024

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In Lviv city, in the Lyceum “Zhyve Slovo” on May 28, teachers of the educational institution and the psychologist ADRA Ukraine jointly held the event “Children’s Dreams,” which was designed to restore the psychosocial state of children and their parents from among the most vulnerable categories. The event was attended by 24 families (about 60 people in total), most of whom are displaced persons who were forced to leave their homes due to hostilities. The program “Children’s Dreams” was held within the project “Recovery with Love” with the support of ADRA Deutschland, Aktion Deutschland Hilft and Marienhöhe Schulzentrum, as well as a project funded by ADRA Australia.

During the event, parents and their children spent quality time visiting three locations. On the first of them there were sports games, relay races, competitions, on the second participants were engaged in needlework – they made origami products, on the third location there was a master class on the modern Ukrainian language with elements of fairytale therapy. Leading at all locations were teachers of the Lyceum “Zhyve Slovo”. They were joined by ADRA Ukraine psychologist Kateryna Zinchak, who skillfully intertwined elements of psychotherapy into language classes. The presenters helped the participants of the master class not only in learning the Ukrainian language, but also in creating fairytales about their dreams, which had a therapeutic effect. At the event there was an atmosphere of acceptance, love, joy.

The project “Recovery with Love” with the support of German partners came to an end in May, and the project, funded by ADRA Australia, began its work. Thus, both projects joined the Children’s Dreams event at the Zhyve Slovo Lyceum.

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