Categories: NewsPublished On: 21.06.2024

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ADRA Ukraine volunteers in three communities of Mykolaiv region from June 1 to June 20 have distributed 14,246 food kits from the UN World Food Programme with the support of ADRA Switzerland: in the Kutsurubska community – 5,452 kits, in Shevchenkivska – 4,897, in Stepivska – 3,897. Also on June 17, started the distribution of food kits in the Ochakivska community, therefore by the end of June it is planned to distribute 6,000 food kits.

Kutsurubska and Ochakivska communities are under constant shelling, so people there are especially need humanitarian assistance.

Food kit from the WFP UN weighing more than 13 kg is calculated for a month per person, and contains flour, buckwheat, millet meal, canned beans, canned meat, pasta, oatmeal, cooking oil, salt and sugar.

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