Categories: NewsPublished On: 10.06.2024

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Volunteers of ADRA Ukraine on June 6 distributed 320 food kits from the UN World Food Programme with the support of ADRA Switzerland in the Chistovodovsky area of the Izyum district of the Kharkov region.

Residents of the Izyum district regularly receive assistance from the UN WFP, which is delivered by ADRA Ukraine volunteers. In Oskilska, Izyumska and Borovska territorial communities, food kits are given to all residents without any exception. In the Kunyevska, Savinska and Barvinkivska communities, assistance is given according to the categories of vulnerability: now is people with disabilities, large families, unemployed, low-income, single people aged 60+ and single parents.

One food kit contains 2 kg of flour, 1 kg of buckwheat, 1 kg of millet meal, 0.5 kg of oatmeal.

In addition, in the Balakliyska community, residents are receiving financial assistance instead of products from the UN WFP in the amount of UAH 1,500 per month.

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